Re: Female exploitation?

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All sorts of thoughts, as you might imagine.

Exploitative. Check. 

Ridiculous. Check. 

Outdated. Check.

Unnecessary. Check.

Side story. We have an Eagle Scout monument here in Kansas City. Recently I did a portrait session there with two young men, brothers, who had recently achieved Eagle Scout. I was photographing away when I noticed one of the women carved into the monument is draped but bare-chested, positioned coyly with a great big BE PREPARED Scout badge symbol next to her. All I could think was grab a condom. 

The stupidity and humor of it was not lost on me and suddenly I felt like I was in the middle of a soft porn shoot.

I attach a photo of the monument pulled from the web.


your kids . my camera . we’ll click

On Sep 12, 2021, at 12:45 PM, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote:

 I’ve been wondering/pondering about the often natural or  implausible and sometimes ridiculous instances where undraped female torsos are included in a photograph (or painting or sculpture). The subject has probably been exhaustively covered in the literature I am sure. So this is just me thinking about it in isolation. Attached is an example. It is a painting but such examples are all over. Any thoughts on the topic?


<Liberty painting of her leading battle small.jpg>

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