Re: PS action help

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If you send the action file to me I'll look at what's going on.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 12:26 PM Yoram Gelman <ygelmanphoto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I can’t help with your individual steps, but perhaps you can just construct the entire action anew.  That would incorporate any new twists that might be obstructing the action you’re using now. 


On Feb 18, 2020, at 11:15 AM, Lea Murphy <lea@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’m using an action in PS 2020 that is giving me a hitch and I’m curious if anyone could help me fix/change it. This is not a new behavior for this particular issue of PS—it’s been happening for some time but today was the day I finally decided to ask for some help with it.

In my retouch work I use an action with some regularity to clean up my white background when photographing in the studio.

The action
creates a new layer on top of the background
fills the new layer with white and adds a layer mask
spherizes the white layer and adds a Gaussian blur to it to soften the inside edge
finally it selects my appropriate brush size and paint color to brush the effect off of areas where it is not wanted

The problem is that the action stops me the spherize stage and the Gaussian blur stage…and asks if I want to rasterize or create a smart object.

I would like to rasterize but can’t seem to figure out how to add it to the action to allow that to happen and it slows me down considerably when running the action. There is no way I’ve found to accept rasterization as the option every time the action runs and when I try to modify the action the option to rasterize is grayed out.

Turning off/on the action option to allow or disallow dialog boxes during the course of the action does not keep it from stopping and asking the rasterize/smart object question.

Can anyone suggest a solution for me to try?



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