Looks like you went overboard with the clarity slider. Don't thing it needs to be this crunchy. That's just my taste though.Randy, This was shot at iso 3200 on a "35 half frame camera" so I think the crunchiness is a function of the capture and what ever Jim did to make it look sharper.
couple of things here...in Randy's
review I'm not sure what he means by "crunchy"...maybe he's
never seen one of these deer closeup but that's what their coat looks
like...also, I had to look up "clarity slider" as I had no
idea what that was...this image was processed in Photoshop CS 3
adjusting only the contrast and using unsharp mask for the absolute
minimal sharpening I could get...
as for being shot on a "35
half frame camera", not so...this was taken with a Nikon D300, a
DX format DSLR...DX format for those who don't know is 2/3 of a 35mm
frame...the ISO 3200 is correct, that's what Auto ISO came up with in
the relatively dark portion of the woods behind my house...
thanks for the input guys, it's really nice to see some reviews
Jim Snarski
Baja Oregon