JIm this is what I was thinking. I just think it really puts the bird more the focus. Just my opinion. Its just burning in the top. I think if forces the viewer to the forground and the wings brightness then does the rest of getting the viewer on the bird.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 7:58 PM, YGelmanPhoto <ygelmanphoto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Strangely, I don't disagree with most of Randy Little's comments -- even about my own image. But I'll add some thoughts. . . and it looks like it's mostly about cropping.The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated 31 OCT, 2015.I'd increase Randy's crop, leaving only the right half of the shot. Then the horse really has a great impact.John Retallack - Out the window at 7AM
If the cars and parking lot were gone, then I think the entrance, the lit windows, and the clouds would make an interesting image.Christopher Strevens - death camp
I don't get it (and I'm not even sure there's a person near the steps).Yoram Gelman - Sun DriedI shoulda been more careful. . . it was quickie work.Randy Little - Welding Table no.1
Maybe there's some connection between the tools and the very blurred image, but I don't see it.Jim Snarski - SippingThis is probably the most interesting shot of a hummingbird I've ever seen. To enhance the bird though, a lot of the flower on the left should be cropped, and then some of the top as well. But, wow . . .-yoramOn Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Randy Little <randyslittle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:sipping. I think if the top left was burned in just a bit it would help bring the view focus to the bird.Welding Table. I like Haas.sun dried. The rotation of the image and some of the cropping make this less interesting. Nothing in the bottom really want to bring me to the top to the most interesting part of the shot.Dealth Camp, I think I would have framed the little man in the walk way so he was closer the bottom of frame.Horse and Box. I think if the entire left bright wall is gone this works a lot better. Other wise the brightest portion of the image is this wall and the eye is drawn there and not the the horse. If the wall is gone you go to the subject instantly.Out the window at 7am. I feel like I am falling backwards in this shot. Kind of think I know why. Bricks. It must be Rochester.