Roy, Yes. BUT the old drive is crashed and it seems there are no versions of LR5 available for download any longer. She’d just bought a download key a few months back from MicroCenter then downloaded it from the Adobe site, installed it and was happy a pig in a poke until the crash. Now LR5 isn’t available for download from Adobe and she’d like not to rebuy it as her version is just a few months old. It’s just really bad timing…the computer crashed just after LR was upgraded. I’m not clear how often she backed up her LR CATALOG (she backs up her photos regularly). Once I know that I can guide her on whether searching for an old issue of LR5 is even worth the trouble. Frankly, I think she should upgrade but it’s not my money. You guys and gals have been crazy helpful on this and I appreciate it muchly. Lea your kids . my camera . we'll click On May 6, 2015, at 11:30 AM, Christopher Strevens <Christopher.Strevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: