I just went through the little book again, and if there is one emotion its contents bring to me it is one of sadness. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be. All of the participants are highly skilled, have been with photography a long time, and know how to express themselves with a camera. I think it’s a shame we haven’t put together more of these volumes, as together the contents seem to portray a group older photographers either in retirement or about to be. Pardon me Randy, but at 40-something you might be the youngest. I’m proud to be a member of this little band of brothers and sisters and wish us well for the future. Art Faul The Artist Formerly Known as Prints ------ Art for Cars: art4carz.com Stills That Move: http://www.artfaul.com Greens: http://www.inkjetprince.com Camera Works - The Washington Post . |