I would love to see a doco on the pine ridge reservation. The highest sucide rate in the world right here in the USA. Maybe thats what ill do this spring. 8x10 tri x processed in pyro and platinum contact prints. Can I get an auto loader for a 8x10 wisner?
Ok I'm seriously about the project but ill shoot it with my phone.
On 00:22, Sun, Dec 21, 2014 karl shah-jenner <shahjen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
re exploitation
Myself, I'd be hesitant to rush in screaming 'victim' at someone regarding
something I saw, lest I misread the situation.
after all, what gives me the right to label someone a victim. They may well
be more than happy doing what they are doing.
I used to work in a plant nursery.. I guess someone could easily have
snapped me as a sweat streaked, manure covered labourer shoveling a vast
pile of dung from one spot to another in 43 degree heat (110F) under a
searing sun and screamed victm, or they could have asked and found I was at
my happiest doing what I was doing right then,. then they'd have had a
photograph of a happy, proud individual enjoying the rewarding toil of days
work .. Actually I'd be a bit bloody insulted being called 'exploited' ..
as though I was dim of wit . One reason I despised the unions, they wanted
us all to feel 'under the thumb' of someone. Pure victim mentality.
I have photographed Laotians 'poorer' in a monetary sense than myself.
Lovely, proud, dignified people. I have photographed wealthy western sloths
staggering drunk around Luangphrabang too .. There was different intent
behind those photos, I can tell you !
No, If I had any possibility of misreading Tina's (or anyone elses)
photograph I'd have the decency to keep my own ignorant opinions to myself.
Anyhoo - I'm listening to side one of Yes's Relayer Album, the track Gates
of Delerium .. so I'm in a special place.