OK, Rant mode on….
Do you feel that we have focused so
hard on digital techno stuff that we have lost the real object?
Since I discovered an issue with my
pentax underexposing shots I –for the first time after the purchase- have
delved into the technical camera details.
Somehow I found myself watcghing a
video review of the newest Pentax, but I did not go further than 2.5 minutes of
the 17.
And I was astounded for seeing
people fighting over forums for the techno stuff.
I feel strange seeing others worshiping
the histogram.
It tells me nothing! I mean I do
not need it to tell me that my shots are underexposed! I can see it in the highlights
and in the darks of the photograph itself!
And all this “exposing for the
right of the histogram” thing?
Or adjusting in CameraRAW to fill
the space?
Of course you do! You have started
with a bad photo (not properly exposed)
Well, you let the smart meter do
the job, now you pay with hours of editing.
Didn’t anyone tell you that there
are 8 stops between the black and the white (OK OK that is for the film), and
you have to CHOOSE what you will loose by exposing for what you think is
Ok, rant is off…..