Hello, I just finished my contribution (such as it is) to the 2014 WPPD project. You can see a preliminary view of what I uploaded a few minutes ago here: http://www.davidhazy.org/andpph/2014-pix/2014-WPPD-pinhole-contribution-1.jpg This is a photograph of the remotely controlled shutter I made some time ago but installed with a new shuttering "blade" http://www.davidhazy.org/andpph/2014-pix/2014-WPPD-pinhole-camera-remote-shutter-composite-6033A.jpg for a descriptive article on the remotely controlled "shutter" I used for this photograph take a look here: http://www.davidhazy.org/andpph/text-pinhole-remote%20control-shutter.html For those of you still on the 27th you still have a possibility to participate! Go to: http://www.pinholeday.org/ Note that digital pinhole photographs are OK. If several of you contributed we could assemble the group in a special PhotoForum gallery … let's see if there is interest in participation! Andy