The below advice from Lea Murphy is great for shooting anything which moves, not just children. Dozens of subjects move more than children, and first to come to my mind is shooting a car race like say the Grand Prix of Monaco. A frequent complaint about digital is that it makes the user think the camera will take care of little flaws (which may actually be large ones) and the ones the camera does not correct, can be done in PS. Adding something like water into a shot in PS is far more laborious than really adding it into a background. Do it right the first time and you won’t be spending the weekend (at least) in front of a screen. I find it easiest to take my time, sort of meditate on the scene I will be shooting, and to look at everything every carefully before my eye is anywhere close to the viewfinder. While the iPhone 20 may have some telepathic controls for adding stuff you didn’t see the first time around, it’s not out yet and may not be during our lifetime. Later, when I am taking the shot, I can marvel at all the stuff I remembered to put into the viewfinder so it will actually be in the shot rather than just in my mind. My advice is to take your time. What’s the rush? And OK, the sun is setting, the wind is blowing the wrong direction or not at all, and damn! You forgot to put the roast in before leaving so there will be nothing to eat when you get home. Concentrate on what you see around you, not just in the viewfinder, and then really look hard at what’s in the viewfinder. If it’s not there then, it won’t be in the picture either. Fake Jan/Art Faul Real Noblex Oblige On Apr 1, 2014, at 11:07 AM, Lea Murphy wrote:
Art Faul The Artist Formerly Known as Prints ------ Art for Cars: Stills That Move: Greens: Camera Works - The Washington Post . |