Ive been using this site since the late 90s as well. Can be used on its own for research or then take the research and plug it into adbase. http://www.agencycompile.com
On Mar 25, 2014 9:03 AM, "Jan Faul" <jan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Agency Access now owns Adbase.On Mar 25, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Randy Little wrote:It only works as well as your ability to properly target the right demography fron their data base. My rep uses it and I have other friends that use it. There is also adbase. Not sure if its still any good.
On Mar 25, 2014 8:42 AM, "Jan Faul" <jan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does anybody on this list use the Agency Access list for any promotion and/or advertising? If so, has it been a success?
JanArt FaulThe Artist Formerly Known as Prints------Art for Cars: art4carz.comStills That Move: http://www.artfaul.comGreens: http://www.inkjetprince.comCamera Works - The Washington Post.
Art FaulThe Artist Formerly Known as Prints------Art for Cars: art4carz.comStills That Move: http://www.artfaul.comGreens: http://www.inkjetprince.comCamera Works - The Washington Post.