On Dec 26, 2013, at 12:50 PM, Gregory wrote:
"there logo" should read “their logo" and “sine” should read “sign.” Such is the problem with letting a piece of software do your thinking for you. Bike enthusiasts will already know that the motorcycle is a 1980’s model Kawasaki just by looking at it. Ansel and others (myself among them) have always found it difficult to explain photographic styles and methods to the clueless, so none us try. If it has taken you this long to figure out that my images make no effort to ensure that the clueless get clued in, you have been looking at the wrong thing. Art Faul The Artist Formerly Known as Prints ------ Art for Cars: art4carz.com Stills That Move: http://www.artfaul.com Greens: http://www.inkjetprince.com Camera Works - The Washington Post . |