James, The motors turn cw or ccw depending on the polarity of the input. They are not "proportional" and go full tilt when energized. So either the forward/reverse control can be used or the left/right turn motor can be used. They essentially do the same thing. When on the vehicle the steering control has a spring included such that when power is removed it brings the wheels back to a central position. The motors tun quite freely when unpowered. That is what made me thing of using a "drag" system to stop the mask from falling back to its perpendicular position once the motor was unpowered for the duration of the exposure. This save battery energy. If I had not done this then the mask would fall back on its own if motor was left unpowered. Not sure I answered all your questions ... let me know! Andy On Jun 4, 2013, at 1:05 PM, James Schenken wrote: