It is not much fun as an astronaught… I went half way to the moon as a test flight, but snapping is super. They did go to the moon but they found Hitler and Mum got their first!
Dr Chris
From: owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Russ
Sent: 19 May 2013 22:33
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
Subject: Re: PF members exhibit on May 18, 2013
Lets see.....
In 1968 I was 13.
I had been "helping" (?) my Dad
do his printing in the darkened
kitchen of our family apartment
for a few years at that point.
When I was around 10
(lets do the math....1965)
we were out there doing contact prints
with an Ansco Contact Printing Box.
My Dad used the ironing board as
a work table with the Contact Printing Box
and three 4"x5" was magic!
A year or so later my Dad bought a
Federal Enlarger with a lens that used
"Waterhouse" F Stops!
I don't have a fine lineage..........
But I have been around a while.............
I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up.
Maybe a Cowboy or an Astronaut!
You guys don't have enough money
to get me into short pants!
R.E. Baker Photography
Feed a Cat... Starve a Fever.....