Re: overwhelmed by a project

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Lea -

I'm working on such a project now.  I have over 500,000 photos of
families in Honduras that I took in my 30 year career as a mission
consultant.  I'm scanning them all now and editing them in LR as I go
along.  The only way I've found to do it is to quickly and ruthlessly
assign a rating of 1 to 5 to every photo.  If you leave the Caps lock
on, LR will advance to the next photo as soon as you assign a rating.
Later, I will delete the 1's and add the 5's to my portfolio.  4's and
5's will be worked on in Photoshop and put on a hard drive I have
dedicated to that purpose.

I can't sit and agonize over what the rating will be. I am my own
worst editor when I remember the circumstances of each photo and
family so I just judge the quality of the photo and move on.  It's
very quick in LR.

When I finish these 500,000, I will start on the 500,000 I have of
Guatemalan families!!

Hope this helps!  Good luck.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Lea Murphy <lea@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm curious how others may have handled a similar situation as I'm feeling totally overwhelmed with a project and am having a heck of a time figuring out how to g et it under control and manageable.
> I've created an enormous body of work photographing my niece Rachel, her younger brother Joshua and their baby sister, Edyn. Enormous to me is 70K+ images of just these three.
> These images are in a Lightroom catalog, key worded by name.
> My goal is to go through them, select the best of the best and print them in black and white on my Epson 3800.
> Eventually these images will end up with the children as a memento of their childhood.
> My dilemma is that I am totally overwhelmed with how to tackle this.
> I nose around in the images, pull out a good one, work it to the printable stage then run a print, catalog it and move on; it all feels very random with no real structure to the process.
> Has anyone else tackled such a project going backwards over time while still continuing to add work to the project on an at-least weekly basis?
> If so, how did you manage it?
> I sit down to my computer with an hour or two to spare for working on it and find I can't settle in and accomplish anything because I don't see a clear path through the project.
> Thoughts? Suggestions?
> I'm open to all.
> Lea
> your kids . my camera . we'll click

Tina Manley, ASMP

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