Dan Mitchell - Amaryllis This busy image strangely reminds me of Andrew Wyeth's painting "Snow Hill," a representation of a Maypole Dance. The people in the painting were Wyeth's neighbors, who gleefully anticipated the artist's death.“When I worked," Wyeth said, "I raised hell with them mentally and emotionally. They wished I were dead, so they wouldn’t have to pose anymore.” http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm54/idreaminrgb/Andrew-Wyeth-SnowHill.jpg Jim Snarski - Afterbath The washed-out flowers in the background and the wires under the bird's feet and tail are quite distracting. They draw attention away from the interesting ragged unkempt appearance of this Stellar Jay. Marilyn Dalrymple - Pitcher and Flowers. The best part of the image is the box, which appears to hold a mirror image of the jug, but then really doesn't. Sort of an unsolved puzzle. Bob McCulloch - Sunrise on the Kill van Kull. Centering the horizon in the frame tends to make any landscape static. Nothing much else is going on here. Chris Strevens - Go Away This reminds me of Mark Twains wry example of a "proof" that a miracle occurred at the base of a tree. "See? There's the tree." Trevor Cunningham - Tower. Phalllic stone towers always seem to me to be mixed metaphors. Life in flesh. Non-life in stone. On 12/17/11, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote: > The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated DEC 17, 2011. > Authors with work now on display at: > http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery.html include: > > Dan Mitchell - Amaryllis > Jim Snarski - Afterbath > Marilyn Dalrymple - Pitcher and Flowers > Bob McCulloch - Sunrise on the Kill van Kull > John Palcewski - Bag Lady > Christopher Strevens - Go Away > Trevor Cunningham - tower > > In Waiting: > > PF members: this is YOUR exhibit space in a manner of speaking! use at will! > > Contributors! Find instructions at: > http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery-sub.html > > To participate in this activity send your contributions early and anything > you can do to prepare the photographs so they do not require additional > adjustment would be much appreciated. Especially keeping them near 100Kb in > maximum size. Please take an extra minute to abide by this request but if > you have doubts about how to prepare images just send them anyway and the > capable gallery staff will adjust them for exhibition. > > Remember to send your GREETING cards to andpph@xxxxxxx with the word > GREETING in Subject line > > From: Jeanie the genie > > PS: do you know of other persons who might be interested in subscribing to > PhotoForum? See below: > > <p>FYI - for subscription instructions and other informational files visit > the PhotoForum's website at: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/photoforum.html > > <br>FYI- to unsubscribe from PhotoForum send email to: > listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with text "signoff PhotoForum" on first line of > message body. > > <br>PF on Facebook at: > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=234442540144&ref=mf > > >