>> Digital doesn't reduce the cost for many photographers. In fact more >> often than not it increases it by a large factor. True you do not >> have film and processing costs, but you have to get on the digital >> upgrade train. Yes - absolutely true. OK, as a Luddite myself I was saying this for years and it's still true. But, despite havig some unused film in the fridge all mmy pictures today are digital ... beause I'm too lazy ... and it's fast to share. But the total cost is certainly higher for 99% of users. But that's good for the economy - without consumerism where would we be, eh? I have thousands of lovely pictures nobody will ever see. With digital I can upload every single image, without reviewing them, to FaceBook. My "friends" can click "like" on a few of them without really looking ... Non-digital is now MUCH more expensive than it was ... niche market. Won't be going back to it ... Just glad I learned my photography using film ... because I still take shots as if I'm paying for them ... :o)