Re: PF members exhibit on AUG 06, 2011

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I agree with most of Andrew's comments but disagree about this one. . .at least enough to respond.

The empty chair, to me, sets the context for the scene. Without the chair, the image lacks substance. True, perhaps the scene could have been taken from some other vantage point, but with the chair the photo says this is a place of sitting and rest, near the river/lake.

Maybe the chair being empty makes it more significant for the photographer, but we don't know that. But I like the framing created by the umbrella canopy, the pole, and the table. In short, to me, a very nice memory document.


On Aug 8, 2011, at 11:58 PM, Andrew Sharpe wrote:

The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated AUG 06, 2011.
Authors with work now on display at:

            Christopher Strevens - hungarian lake

Well, you certainly have a flair for the surreal. You say "It is an
oxbow lake", but there's only a little bit of water in the photo. Your
viewpoint is intriguing, though, pointed square at the chair opposite
you. I keep asking myself, is someone supposed to be there? was someone there who just left? What in particular made you shoot this photo, from
this position, and want us to see it?


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