1-8-11 Gallery - Comments

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Some thoughts on this week's submissions:

            Marilyn Dalrymple - The Cat and the Raven

For a quick grab shot this is terrific. Yes, there are things that could have been better if the bird and cat had been still for a length of time but, I'm sure you did not have that luxury.

            John Palcewski - Scogli Innamorati

The fisherman as lonely figure surrounded by these great, weathered rocks is well done. You also managed to be there at just the right time to get good shadows.

            Mark Harris - Katy_T in Tree

I don't think either of us thought about the significance of the "V" shape of the tree. I appreciate any and all comments that you all might offer.

            Don Roberts - Ice Cream in Kintai

I like this very much. Although I've never been to Japan I expect this is quite common. I think it is interesting that they have to display what each flavor will look like.

            Trevor Cunningham - lines/curves

This is a very well captured abstraction, Trevor. I like the differences in the shapes but common color.

            John Retallack -

Good luck with the project, John. The crow in context here is interesting but it does get lost. If your primary interest is the bird you will need to get closer or a much longer lens.

            Katarina Kitaeva - New Year`s mood

The falling snow gives the New Year mood with the solitary figure the feeling of loneliness. I wish he/she was a bit more visible.


The overall idea is well done. The text in the window is just slightly off square which takes away a bit.

From: Misty Sue and the entire PF gallery staff

And thank you for all of your hard work in putting this together every week.

Mark Harris

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