Hmmm. The rock is quickly becoming overcrowded - a dragon, dog (or is it
two dogs?) and an alligator. There must be a joke in there somewhere {:->
("Two dogs, an alligator and a dragon were sitting in a bar . . . .")
Have you ever wished you could tell your childhood self a thing or two about
growing up?
Would the knowledge you know now have saved you from learning things the
hard way?
It's Tough Growing Up: Children's Stories of Courage
Marilyn Dalrymple and Joan Foor
-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Mayes
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 6:30 AM
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
Subject: Re: PF members exhibit on 06 NOV 10
Apparently you and I do not see eye to eye on this. There is no fire
breathing dragon in the photo but there is a dog in the photo. "What's that
you ask?" "Where is the dog?" It is right below the alligator.
Walter Mayes
----- Original Message -----
From: "ADavidhazy" <andpph@xxxxxxx>
To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students"
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 8:07 AM
Subject: PF members exhibit on 06 NOV 10
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated NOV 06, 2010.
with work now on display at:
John Palcewski - Italian Cat Valery Firsov - Autumn Herschel Mair -
Sweet Home Santa Fe Rene M Hales - Trulli House at the Corner
Emily Ferguson - wet harvest Marilyn Dalrymple - Trevor
Cunningham - a different kind of tupperware party Dan Mitchell - Drink ?
There is one photograph awaiting installation. (Vollach) Add your's!
Instructions at:
To participate in this activity send your contributions early and anything
you can do to prepare the photographs so they do not require additional
adjustment would be much appreciated. Especially keeping them near 100Kb
maximum size. Please take an extra minute to abide by this request but if
you have doubts about how to prepare images just send them anyway and
the immensely capable gallery staff will adjust them for exhibition.
From: Eliza
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