Gallery comments Oct 23, 2010

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The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated OCT 23, 2010.
Authors with work now on display at: 

Rene M Hales - A Castle Walk
Mine. I will listen to comments from the reviewers.
Emily Ferguson - Marshy Pond 
A crop from the top would remove the distraction of that extra band of
color. For me, that brings my eye back to the blue flowers.
John Palcewski - Passionate Pakistani
I like the serious look and fine detail in this portrait.
Valery Firsov - Betrothal
Meaningful image. Would have like to have seen all of the hand. Is a bit too

Peeter Vissak - Summer at last
I know this is dumb, but I just worried that the baby was getting water it
its ears.
Dan Mitchell - Church Tower Clock
A good illustration of the IS feature that you showing. The stones and clock
face are quite clear.
Yoram Gelman - Morning Table
Lovely mood and light.

Thanks for posting images to the gallery. Appreciate all the work the team


Rene Hales
3072 Roundway Down Lane
Lexington, KY 40509-8522

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