Well, coincidentally, I'm about to take my Eid (Islamic holiday) break
next week to work on tri-color gum bichromate images. So, it was fun to
see these again.
On 9/8/10 11:48 PM, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
On Wed, September 8, 2010 14:17, Trevor Cunningham wrote:
That makes me wonder about the process of producing the prints or
digital images for the collection. I wonder who did this and if there's
notes on it available somewhere.
The Library of Congress, which oversaw the process (I think they
contracted out much of the work), has an article on it here
I've downloaded some of their scans, and put together my own versions,
just to get a quick idea what it's like. Doing a mediocre job is quite
easy (so true with so much of photography!).
I also played with my digital camera, taking three pictures of a scene
(including open water) and then extracting one color channel from each
image and taking those three and putting them back together to make a new
color image, to prove that the water surface appearance is indeed the
effect of the three colors being sampled at slightly different times. The
results were conclusive to my mind -- they looked just the same.