Re: PF members exhibit on 09-04-10

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 On 9/4/10 4:08 PM, ADavidhazy wrote:
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated SEP 04, 2010. Authors with work now on display at: include:
            Andrew Sharpe - Window with reflections
Great range, as usual. I keep trying to figure the reflections out, but realize my curiosity stems from the loss of the pattern the fourth level down. There seems to be an emptiness that cause me to forget about the image and try to figure out what makes it. Not sure if I like that.
            Emily L. Ferguson - 2 big catboats and one tiny one
Great boat shot. Cropped/framed a little tightly on the left. I love the colors and this style of boat reminds me of feluccas on the Nile.
            Mark Harris - Metropolitan Museum Artist Observed
Cute. I might have stood up to get the foreground chairs out of view.
            John Palcewski - Tsunami of Regret
Yeah, I'd probably just kill myself. But, even though the body language is there, I'd be more convinced if I saw some tears.
            Christopher Strevens - Old lady Crying
*A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes*

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

            Marilyn Dalrymple -
Pizza Hut delivery is a far cry from hardtack. It's good to see the South has given in to the carpetbaggers...maybe I have the uniform wrong.
            Sherie Taylor - Finish Line
Can't help but feel like something more needs to be happening here. I don't know, give the kid the keys? Tell the person with the interesting camo/Euro-shoes combination to get out of the photo? I also feel like I need to see more of the car.
            Yoram Gelman - Water / Reeds
My favorite of the week. Simple and refreshing. Sometimes the composition is the image rather than the subject. Although, it might be cropped a little tight on the right.
            Dan Mitchell - Frog
This just doesn't sit well with me. Neither of the seemingly two sources of light seem to do anything for the image. Also, the legs don't seem as sharp as the body...was your lens wide open?

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