Interesting. The other day, while in a staff meeting, we were trying to
develop a new "policy" to address the issue of late homework from
students. Amidst the consideration of everyone having to enforce such a
policy, and much more support it, a colleague pointed out the
characteristic of the "institution" as existing strictly for the purpose
of enforcing rules only when they need to be enforced. This perception
of need is what I think gets everyone all worked up. Mark's shot was
completely harmless, and a very appropriate image to include given the
purpose of this gallery and forum. Although, as opposed to censorship as
I am personally, I would still find it hard to argue with someone
reacting defensively to an image that is malicious in nature, or
intended to inflict pain on another. And, once again, intent opens up a
whole new bag of worms.
Bob wrote:
This is my take on the "disturbance".....
I have limits. They are my limits in MY mind.
I look briefly at the thumbnails of the submissions and went back to
look more closely at those that catch my interest. I may or may not
give the thumbnails a second look. Then I try to learn from the
photos that caught my attention and from the comments of the list
members. So I am limiting myself to those that interest me.
I kooked closely at Mark's photo and was intrigued by the lace pattern.
The same with individual posts of photos. I looked briefly at John's
separate post, not in the gallery, and it isn't something that caught
my interest. So I didn't look at it more closely or study it.
What I'm trying to say is if you don't like it don't look at it. A
quick glance usually tells you if you want to look more closely and
study the image. It is not mandatory that we look closely or study
each an every submission.
We don't need, and I don't want, a censor on the group. A censor
limits us to what he/she wants us to see. A censor limits
creativity by not allowing us to see, and possibly explore, new ideas
and new techniques.
If people have problems with images like Mark's they better not go to
an art museum where art from the 'old masters' show genitalia and nudity.
Thats my $0.02
( O O )
--------------------oOOO-----O----OOOo-----73 de w8imo-------------
I plan to live forever. So far, so good......