The Photoforum Gallery is online at
<> Dan Mitchell, Fast Horse: I was puzzling over "1200 type" until I realized it was a Polaroid, about the same time my eye got down that far. I think the blanket (or do they call it a coat or something?) makes this photo; just a horse by the speed limit sign would be nice, but this strangely-dressed horse is much better. I have to say that generally, and including this case, I really don't like the very weird things Polaroid does to the color space, though. Alan Zinn, FILM. Don't Run Out: Yeah, and cigarettes for $1.50! Do you remember if the film sign was an important part of your plan at the time you took the shot? I'm wondering if this is a case of a photo whose meaning has changed significantly over time. John Retallack, Winter in Upstate New York: This looks dark and dingy to me, which is never what I want with snow pictures. It's not just my eyes (or my monitor); there are essentially no pixels above luminosity 200. But there doesn't seem to be any detail in the snow on the roofs, looks burned out. I suspect this of having been pulled down too far in an attempt to recover from overexposure. Mark Harris, Inna's Hair: I don't have much experience with shared model shoots, but I'll bet that's more interesting than what most of the people got when they had her put her hair back again. I'd like just a tad less hair in front of the eye on the right, but that's pretty minor really. This is quite neat, and I'm not shocked she wants to use it. Michael Hughes, Milliner and model: It's an interesting bit of hat, but it's not sharp, and neither are her eyes or any other facial features. It's great to see a gallery posted again! Thanks to all who participate this week. -- David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b@xxxxxxxx; Snapshots: Photos: Dragaera: |