POLAROID EXPERIENCES My findings so far - the latest film expiry date which seems to be (expensively) available is 10/09, I have seen nothing for sale dated after that, and a lot earlier dated. SX 70, 600, and 1200 material is currently easily available. Various cameras are also available on eBay, some very cheaply. So far these outdated filmpacks have been viable, but if anyone would like to try out this remnant of an almost vanished technology, then do check the filmpack's battery voltage before using it. This is easily done using voltmeter probes on the two battery contact terminals on the bottom of a filmpack. It would appear that voltages should be around 6v for a good battery, and that voltages under 5v are bad news. And if you can turn off a volt-hungry electronic flash unit, then do so - as these suck battery life out faster than Dracula.