At 8:51 AM -0500 12/5/09, ADavidhazy wrote:
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated DEC 05, 2009. Authors
with work now on display at: include:
Emily L. Ferguson - fall pond textures
Glad so many of you like it.
Dan Mitchell - London
What clear weather! It's been raining over there for 53
days as of today. This sure looks like fun, how long does one
get to be up that high? I too like being where I can look at the
edges - up in the air, on water looking at land. All good.
Andrew Sharpe - Cactus
I can just hear the diatribe from the heavy feminist crowd about
the symbolism here. Just put this on a totem pole and the
conversation could go on and on for ever! The lighting,
sculpting and sharpness are very nice. I like the abstract part
too, the mountains-on-their-side sort of aspect.
Gregory david Stempel - Shadows No. 4
Fun to decide what should be sharp - the edge of the shadow, or
the grain of the wood.
Christopher Strevens - Accident!
Sigh. Modern life.
John Palcewski - Joyce Carol Oates
Lots of non-photographic aspects on my monitor - massive quantity
of grain making the image look like an artistic filter has been
applied, so much soft and the overexposure on the brow. I don't
know enough about Oates to be certain of how well her spirit is
represented here.
Thanks to Andy for all his work as always.
If you haven't sent an image for next week, it's Wednesday
already. Send your contribution
to andpph@xxxxxxx making sure that the word GALLERY appears in
the Subject line.
Do it now.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races