My opinions, best taken with a big bag of salt.
Rob Miracle - Rockin' Raquel. Excellent shot, great lighting and composition. Back in the day this gal and I would likely have met at a dive in New Orleans and we'd immediately know we have a LOT in common. We speak the same language. HEY, bartender, another round! Those were the days, eh?
Greg Fraser - Boardroom. The mind boggles at what it took to produce this image. Or maybe it was easy. Funny. Bravo.
Emily L. Ferguson - effortless. An umbrella? A nozzle spraying water? Or milk? Why keep the copyright symbol for a gallery submission? I'd tweak the contrast a bit, but otherwise an interesting abstraction.
Roy Miller - That is what humans look like. Hmmm. Another copyright notice. Takes the attention away from the dogs. At least for me.
Pini Vollach - Abstract Kitchen. Stark, ominous. Interesting.
Marilyn Dalrymple - Still Life. Appealing painterly effect.
Laurenz Bobke - Antique shop in Gdansk. I'd crop this considerably so as to keep the black cat from getting lost.