At 12:27 PM -0700 8/4/09, Alberto Tirado wrote:
> Is anyone on PF doing that
with images or
music, or know about someone doing it?
Well, not me! But I heard there's a music group - apparently
famous, but I can't recall their name! - who put their most recent
album on the net for free download and people would pay whatever
they thought it was worth.
Radiohead. It was a mixed bag of return. Nobody paid what the CD
would cost even at Amazon's discount prices.
You can also consider putting your photos in microstock, if you can
make it through the "admistrativia" (tagging, uploading,
categorizing...). They are sold for little money (thus widely
available) and can report a few bucks back once in a while.
There is definitely no point in doing any of the online microstock
companies without full keywording and captioning. There is also no
point in doing any of it unless your work is very stylishly
Finally, you might want to consider the equivalency between cost and
value. Microstock returns of a few pennies per usage definitely
reflect the value of the work, while most of the few remaining large
stock houses are taking 50% and more as well as your copyright, and
not making a living at it either.
Stock has become a very poor market since the internet set the price at zero.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races