Lea asks: I'm curious. I'm sure there are as many responses to this question as there are people on this forum. What is your preferred ink jet paper and why. I'm in the mood to play with new paper and want to get some ideas as to what folks like. http://www.atlex.com/ilford/ilford-galerie-smooth-high-gloss-paper.htm nothing comes close to this for a full gloss, ilfochrome/ilfoflex-like print. The only problem is to take full advantage you need a good dye ink printer, the pigment inks aren't worth using on this. Saying this often leads to discussions on professionalism (whatever that means) and print longevity - my take is that if the choice is: the print only lasts 10-25 years but looks fantastic V the print lasts 1000 years but looks mediocre, I'd go for the short lived fantastic looking print. I'd also *maybe* do a long-life print as well, but i'd weigh up whether it is ever likely to be of any great historical significance ;) k