There is certainly a diverse group of images
this week
Stephen Buckman: I have seen others comment on the
cropping and have to agree. You can still leave some leading room on the left
without so much negative space.
John Palcewski: An interesting use of digital
distortion. I expect the original was a pretty plain photograph.
Pini Vollach: A typical child, always in motion. I
like that the background is sharp and only the subject is moving.
Tina Manley: A very pretty scenic. I'm not one to
always stick to rules but I think you might have been able to hold the mood and
still being the horizon up from center, at least a little.
Bobbie Blazy: This image works better then the one
from last week. Even though you do not have fill here either the light through
the flower works in this photograph.
Lea Murphy: An interesting graphic study. I'm not
sure how to crop it better but it needs something. Symmetry might have worked
Roy Miller: I'm not sure breaking the
rule-of-thirds would have mattered. It looks like the effect was added to save
an otherwise just OK photograph.
Emily L. Ferguson: A nicely made image of the
stained glass.
Mark Harris