Photographers who contrast the soft human form against the rugged sharp
rocks and boulders of nature have to do it some where else than the Swiss
Swiss voters ban nude hiking in AlpsHARRY ROSENBAUMAPPENZELL, Switzerland (AP) — Voters in the heart of the
Swiss Alps on Sunday passed legislation banning naked hiking after dozens of
mostly German nudists started rambling through their picturesque
region. By a show of hands citizens of the tiny canton (state) of Appenzell Inner Rhodes voted overwhelmingly at their traditional open-air annual assembly to impose a 200 Swiss franc ($176) fine on violators. Only a scattering of people on Sunday opposed the ban on the back-to-nature activity that took off last autumn when naked hikers — primarily Germans — started showing up in eastern Switzerland. The cantonal government recommended the ban after citizens objected to encountering walkers wearing nothing but hiking boots and socks. |