Hi Andy,
I will be happy to get access to those thumbnail pages even by FTP.
I saved some reviews e-mails across the years so it would be nice to see
the thumbnail aside.
ADavidhazy wrote:
I thought someone would ask but I don't have them prepared for installing
on web ... hmmmm ... I will look into it when I get home tonight. Any
objections from anyone on the list?
They are archived on my computer as "PF Gallery mm/dd/yr" - if these were
put on the web I think as you opened each gallery date the view of the
thumbnail gallery version should come up ... but I don't know. Has anyone
else been "archiving" thumbnail versions?
I actually had them (or maybe still do) going back to 1996 but not sure
where they are anymore as files and folders have been moved helter
on backup drives, CD, Zip drives, floppys and other media. Too much!!
If it can be done and it there is no objection and if there is storage
space, etc. maybe this could be done. I don't know right now how big the
folder is but if reasonable it could be distributed by FTP if there is
such a desire among the group.
Andy Davidhazy for PhotoForum
Roger Eichhorn wrote:
Are the thumbnail pages available to view?