The dripping clouds were in
the original scene. The image presented is about half a 35 mm capture (
18mm x 24mm). A longer lens like a 500mm or longer lens would have allowed
me to do some closer up shots of the clouds which were very unique.
I was following Emily's method and
philosophy this week with the copyright symbol only on the image and
the rest of the copy right info in the picture file. I find the
copyright symbols on the electronic images distracting too but necessary in this
medium to inform the public that the images are not public domain. I will go
back to using the copyright symbol and my initial again.Some photographers in
the club I belong to are now signing their prints on the image like the do in
This all goes against the traditional
philosophy of photograph where every element in the pictures should support the
message and there should be no distracting elements in the image field.
Copyright symbols and signature were on the matte.
In a message dated 4/1/2009 7:49:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
Gregory.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Roy H. Miller Sunrise Over The Ocean - This is an interesting photo because the post processing works for me. I like the blocked-up black clouds and the way the yellow part of the sky is dripping into the horizon. Copyright notices on images always bother me but this one is specially annoying since it doesn't indicate who owns the copyright. Isn't that kind of pointless? New Low Prices on Dell Laptops - Starting at $399 |