k t wrote:
Hello! I'm starting a freelance writing/photography business as well
as websites and will be acquiring some equipment!
Am looking for recommendations on brands/models! Budget is of course a
concern; so economical solutions are appreciated. I'm looking for the
perspective of those who work with equipment day in and day out; it's
invaluable. Thanks in advance; I hope that answers to these questions
will help others as well.
You state that budget is a concern. What is your ballpark budget
amount? If you're starting out and have nothing yet prepare to spend a
few thousand dollars, even if yo buy used.....
1. Digital camera: with a wide angle and probably a zoom (to 300 or
so, or more, if I can get it) with at least 10 megapixels if possible;
premium lens quality; minimal delay. Flash and image-stabilization.
Need streeet-shooting/photojournalism capability. I prefer the
horizontal split screen focusing system of the old Nikons; don't know
whether it's possible to find this in newer digitals. Will be
submitting images for stock as well.
I am not familiar with lineups of other makers but here is Canon.
Prosumer - 40D - 10 mp, 50D -15 mp. Pro - 1D MkIII 10 mp, 5D MkII 21mp
(Full frame) IDs MkIII 21mp (full frame)
The 40D &50D have popup flash, the rest don't. Canon has the 580EX
The majority of Canon's current lenses are IS, Image Stabilized. Look
at the two URLs for current info.
Two URLs http://www.usa.canon.com and http:www.dpreview.com
Nikon has VR lenses which, like Canon IS, the VR is in the lens. Sony,
and maybe others, have the stabilization in the body. This is a another
whole area of discussion.
Most imp. is ability to transfer images back and forth to computer
(recent Macbook) w/ease.
A card reader is the best way to do this. They accept the media and
usually connect to the PC via USB 2.0 This keeps the camera free, you
can have media in the camera while transferring images from used media,
and minimizes data, read image, loss.
Also -- and I don't know if this is possible -- I'd like a camera that
copyright credits the image automatically so that one doesn't have to
go in separately, as I will be loading many images onto my websites.
I don't know about this
2. Photoshop or other editing software. Digital ice or similar should
be included.
I have a recent MacBook (4 mos. old), as well as an older PC w/XP. Use
Macbook the most. Are any Mac preloaded photoshop-like editing
programs as good as Photoshop? Is Creative Suite or more advanced
necessary? Are there free website downloads of previous versions
almost as good as the current?
I'll be editing photos for inclusion on my websites, as well as to
send with stories I write for other publications. I will also be doing
some fine art photography shows. The editing software should be
compatible w/either Mac or Pc (I'll be working on Mac, but will be
sending to many people who only have PC's).
3. Scanner. I have many slides/negatives that I need to be able to
scan quickly -- with a fair amount on the screen or slide tray at once
-- and with the least possible bother re dust, lining things up
correctly in slide trays, etc. If the scanner also scans quickly and
can be used in the non-photo context, that's also great. Should work
well w/macs or pc's.
I don't know enough about high volume scanners so no opinion.
4. a printer. Something economical re color cartridge replacement;
large format capability.
I like my Canon Pro9000. It can do up to 13" X 19". Canon has other
No matter which brand you buy, ink is expensive.
5. For the freelance portion of the business, I'll need a basic
printer/copier/scanner combo that scans quickly or scans many pgs @
once -- this is for basic office stuff.
6. Website design/hosting/domain names. For the websites I will be
establishing, the look is important; all the great photographers on
this list probably know of some sophisticated designers as well as
inexpensive hosters. The site will need membership capability for a
large membership list. Recommendations on platform also would be
great: for instance, Word Press or other? I will be doing all updates
and adding new photos often; imp that they are easily incorporated
7. Other Suggestions?
Thank you much!!!! Again, I hope that responses help others as well.
Karen T. (206) 654-3445; msg ph; I can call u back, if u wish, or give
u my cell #. A
( O O )
--------------------oOOO-----O----OOOo-----73 de w8imo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I plan to live forever. So far, so good......