Mark Harris
Talea Feet Sitting: Definitely different and interesting. If I were your teacher, I'd give you an A for originality. D.L. Shipman
Spanish Point Florida: Is this infrared? I like this photograph very much. If it were mine I'd darken it just a touch - it seems a little hot in some areas. I still like this, though; it has a mysterious, otherworldly appeal. Trevor Cunningham
angkor thom moat: I like the clouds and the way the photograph's composition draws my eyes in to a vanishing point. It could be my monitor, but it appears a little dark. I do enjoy prints that show me something - some area of the world - that I most likely won't get to see in person. Greg Fraser
The Fall: Another photograph of a person taken from a different perspective. This image fascinates me, and I'm not sure I can explain why. It makes me very curious to know more about the subject. Ordinarily having the subject "looking" (I realize the eyes are closed) into the very edge of the photograph would bother me, but this doesn't at all and in fact the photograph is very well composed and framed. Marilyn Dalrymple
Rain on Lilly Pond: Taken on the Huntington Library grounds (a photographer's paradise). If any of you visit southern California seeing this wonderful location is well worth the time to visit it. You can easily spend an entire day on the grounds and in the galleries. I guess you can tell - it's one of my favorite spots and it's not that far from the Getty Museum/Gallery - another photographer's delight. Roy Miller
Frozen Stream: I love this photograph. The beautiful red flower; the air bubbles "frozen" in space. I could look at this for hours and not get bored (and that's saying a lot - sometimes I feel like I must have ADHD and it's sheer torture for me to sit still). Elson T. Elizaga
Scavengers: As soon as I'm done here, I'm gong to visit your youtube site, Elson. This photograph is almost monotone, but the touches of red, yellow and green make the print dynamic. Thank you to all who contributed to the
gallery. It is a very impressive show, indeed. Thank you Andy and
staff for doing all the hard work hanging the show.