Re: Flash Unit

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I use the 580 EX and it's fabulous.

You MUST learn to use it on manual. It is not difficult and will give you a thousand times better exposure and power than using it on auto.
I regularly light using my 580EX on manual in a 60" umbrella and even  
on 1/4 and 1/8 power I get amazing light.
If you need help with how to do it, let me know and I'll be happy to  
get you going.

On Jan 6, 2009, at 4:34 PM, rebphoto wrote:

Hi Gang................

For quite a while I have been using a Canon 420 EX Flash.

It works ok but it is a bit underpowered.

Also when I was using it with my 10d
I seemed to very often not get a correct exposure.

I lived with it.

Now using my 30d I seem to be having the same problem.

Sure using the camera on Auto is not quite the
professional way to do things but I should have
more even exposures in the photos.
I have heard that the 580EXII is quite the flash unit and is more consistent in it exposures.
Anyone ever use the 580 EXII?


R.E. Baker
Feed a Cat...
Starve a Fever........

babies. they're what i do.

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