I wonder whether those who have grown up using things like a Hassy
are more acclimated to seeing square, for instance. I've never shot
anything but 35mm and still don't understand why it is so hard to
find otc mats and frames for images with a ratio of 2:3. 11x14 is of
no use to me, nor is 5x7, if I have a client who wants to go to
somewhere like Wal*Mart and buy a cheap frame.
And it just bothers me no end to have to crop my images, because I've
trained myself to look into the corners and try to make sure that
everything in the viewfinder is at least conscious, if not deliberate.
I have a similar problem with the consumer digis, those cute little
things that sit in a breast pocket and produce images also not 2:3
but something shorter in the long dimension. They're not square, at
I know the year I shot at the paper we used no color, it took me
about a month to stop seeing in color and see just in b&w. Even now,
I look at a cloudless sky, brilliant blue, and call it a bald sky,
which it is in b&w. Near the end of the autumn of that year I felt
this panic, threw some color film in the camera and ran out to the
nearest stand of oak trees which were stunningly
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races