I wrote: > The yellow is half dead kikuyu grass, notoiriously yellow, and lit by the sun only (grey clouds overhead) to make the foul stuff even more yellow :/ to be honest, as yellow as the kikuyu grass is I meant to add that I am really not happy with the colour of the grass in this, and I'm afraid the Pentax really falls down flat on a few colours. Manual white balancing was accurate for the other colours in the scene but there was just no way it could cope with that particular tone of vivid green at all. it's not to say I don't like the yellow, I kinda do in a perverse way, the grass was really glowing that day, but it was not *that* yellow. I could have selected the colour rage and shifted it to a more subdued tone and colour, but I really don't like doing a lot of post image manipulation. Were this film stock i'd be making a mental note to keep the stuff aside for shoots where yellows wouldn't be a problem (just as I avoided some Fuji stocks for their lurid emerald greens). what would others do ? in matches I hit the shutter whenever the ball goes near the wickets as well tracking and shooting any other exciting stuff (catches etc) so there can be 1000 images on a day. shifting the tone and colour for even half of those seems a very arduous task - again were it film i'd dump the stock, since it's digital i'll probably dump the camera and grab something that handles those tones better then there's all the lenses.. k