The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated NOV 01, 2008. Authors with work now on display at: include: J Michael Sullivan - Detail, Bozeman MT I like the colors that this shot shows. I think that is what the author intended. Is this a place where people live? If it is it must be a shanty. Michael Hughes - Autumnal walker When I was between 17 and 20 I went on walks like that and in the snow. I could walk up the steep hills and mountains sides of Wales but now I can hardly walk and pushing mum in her wheel chair is just a bit too much. I'll never mount the hills again even though I now have the time and enough money. I just can't do it any more. Alan Zinn - Hoodies Those lovely old cars kept in splendid condition by their owners are always a photographer's picture. I like the shine of the bonnet and the glisten of the chrome. He must have spent hours polishing. We call the "hood" the "bonnet" by the way. Andrew Brooks - Angelic View I like the use of the ultra-wide. Nice romantic shot. However the towers look like they are falling over as if pulled by a huge gravitational field of the big building in the middle of the view. Christopher Strevens - Barge My Image: - I was out with mum and saw a sign to a barge mooring and canal museum so I went and took a look. It turned out that the barges were holiday homes for water born holidays and the museum was a shop selling tea, cakes and mementos of the canal that included model barges and ships in bottles. Elson T. Elizaga - A Human Disaster It is strange how people stop and stare and do nothing to help. The sight of the injured must paralyze some people into inaction. Perhaps they are working out how they could avoid being the same. Some people rush in to help. Only trained professionals can do anything useful. Marilyn Dalrymple - Pond in Chinese Garden Chinese gardens are always nice if well kept. It shows the ordered mind as these gardens are meticulously planned. I think they tell a story in Chinese folk history like the willow pattern on some dinner plates. I think the story is the same. Some Chinese gardens feature paper dragons and that is another story. Emily L. Ferguson - tassels Nothing to be said about this photo except it is a water plant in water. Nicely focused and well exposed. Was that you or your automatic tool? Chris.