Re: Ok so everyone seems to want lively debate (not flame wars)

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I was listening to the radio while driving home this afternoon. I was surprised to hear the radio show was about photography. The subject talked about was the photography of car races (I believe Danbury Races?) with a 4 X 5 Speed Graphic. The two photographer's talking reminisced about when the photographer only had one chance to get "The" shot - when the action was at its apex, the lighting was perfect and there was no blurring. It sounds rather challenging when we consider that we can shoot - how many images in seconds today?

I didn't get the photographers' names, but the conversation was interesting and I had to marvel at the thought of photographing car races with a 4 X 5.

It saddens me, and often amazes me, how sloppy much of today's photography is (images stretched or smashed to fit the area in which the photograph is injected - newspapers are usually guilty of this).


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