I suspect that it depends on the camera. If yours has rear curtain sync built in then
you could always slave a studio flash to the on-board flash.
The shot was made using rear curtain sync if the trail of the torch lags behind the figure in motion.
jonathan turner wrote:
I've been asked to re-create a shot by another photographer for a job
tomorrow evening.
The picture is shot in a church (quite dark and lit with ambient light) and
has a woman with a torch, who appears to have a ghostly quality about her
(she is 'see-through' but frozen by a small amount of flash). I believe it
has been shot using the 'rear curtain synch' mode, though I may be wrong.
My question is; can you only use rear curtain synch with on camera flash, or
can you use it with studio flash, or even a combination of the two? Never
really done much stuff with this technique and am a little nervous about it,
all help and tips gratefully received!
Jonathan Turner
e: home@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
t: 0113 217 1275
m:07796 470573
7 Scott Hall Walk, Leeds, LS7 3JQ