Re: RE: funeral

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Sure seems like a credible authority.

One more thing...

Three year old grandson "takes" my picture with his pretend cell phone: 
"Click.  Do you want to see it?"
Now, try and explain a good reason for film to 99 percent of the


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> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] RE: funeral
> From: Howard <howard.leigh111@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sat, August 09, 2008 2:27 am
> To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
> <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Oh no not this old argument again! My memory suggests that all these 
> points have been argued over and over before.
> I went digital because:
> I'm not a trained darkroom technician.
> I don't want to spend zillions of hours in a messy smelly darkroom.
> I can produce much better prints - and more and cheaper- with digital 
> than I ever could with film AND with far less effort.
> I can afford to be generous with the actual taking of pictures at 
> virtually no cost to myself.
> And I do like being able to check I've got what I want rather than wait 
> until I've got the negatives / slides / prints available.
> But if someone wants to use film then that's fine by me. It doesn't matter.
> I've still got my film gear. I plan on using it (especially B&W) more 
> when I've retired, whenever that will be.
> Either way I doubt if anyone will keep more than a fraction of my photos 
> when I've kicked the bucket!
> Howard
> Chris Telesca - TelephotoNC wrote:
> >
> >
> > David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >> Chris Telesca - TelephotoNC wrote:
> >>> I think this is a big issue.
> >>>
> >>> I haven't bought into digital because it's not cost-effective for me 
> >>> to spend 8 grand on a camera body that can shoot the same resolution 
> >>> imagery that I can shoot with a 20 year old Nikon.  And to have two 
> >>> of them (one for backup) makes even less sense when they will be 
> >>> obsolete in 3 years. 
> >>
> >> Measuring resolution is an interesting process.  I can make bigger 
> >> prints from 6MP DSLR raw files than I ever managed chemically from 
> >> 35mm film (I mean that look satisfactory to me, of course).  But I 
> >> can also make bigger prints from scanned film than I ever could in 
> >> the darkroom, too.  For me, grain always limited enlargement, and 
> >> that's no longer the problem for landscape and scenic pictures 
> >> (sometimes noise does play the same limiting role in available light 
> >> photos).
> >>
> >> And I have never spent much over 1/4 of $8000 on a digital camera 
> >> body.   If you're going for the *top* end -- then shouldn't you be 
> >> talking about more like $50,000?
> >
> > No - 35MM equivalent - Canon 1DsMkIII - $8,000 - 21 megapixels.
> > And why are you making such big prints from 6MP DSLR raw files?  What 
> > are they being used for, and what is the proper viewing distance for 
> > those prints?  Do you have a mural size printer for your digital 
> > imagery?  I have printed up to 20x24 in a darkroom - are you printing 
> > bigger than that on your own?
> >
> > Why would grain limit enlargement size but not the resolution of your 
> > sensor?  If you are doing something in Photoshop to minimize the grain 
> > in your digital imagery, then obviously you are doing something that 
> > you can't do with film.
> > No - when I graduated from RIT in 1984, I had different film format 
> > cameras (Nikon 35MM, Hasselblad 6x6, and Sinar 4x5) and I added some 
> > Speedotron lighting gear.  I think by 1986 I had about 10 to 12 grand 
> > in gear that has worked well for me over the years.
> >> "Obsolete" is an interesting concept.  Seems to me that if they're 
> >> good now, they're good in three years.  Possibly something *better* 
> >> will be available, and some people will deride your gear as obsolete 
> >> -- but if the way the new gear is better doesn't matter to you, you 
> >> should just ignore them!  And remember that my $2300 Fuji S2 (late 
> >> 2002) came with a "lifetime supply" of free film and processing.  I 
> >> think the money I saved on film and lab fees alone paid for that 
> >> camera before I sold it off.  And I've made and exhibited a lot more 
> >> prints since going digital than I did when I had a darkroom.
> >>
> > No - obsolete in that editors and stock houses want files of a certain 
> > resolution, which increases over the years.  If a stock house kept the 
> > same requirements they had year ago when the first Nikon D1 came out, 
> > they would get bombarded bombarded with tons of submissions from guys 
> > with point and shoot digital cameras that have higher resolution than 
> > the D1 had when it came out.
> >>> I have every negative I have ever shot going back to when I was 14 
> >>> years old.  Granted some of that stuff isn't worth printing, but I 
> >>> also have negatives that are over 60 years old that I can do 
> >>> everything from print to scan.  Try doing that with digital imagery 
> >>> that is stored on a medium that might not work in a year or more, or 
> >>> when it craps out you have nothing to fall back on. 
> >>
> >> I have slides that I shot myself that have faded significantly, 
> >> though using digital technology I can recover much of the color.  I 
> >> have color prints other people gave the family long ago that are 
> >> faded past the point that I can restore the colors (I can still get a 
> >> poor B&W image from them).  It would last much better, of course, if 
> >> I stored it in controlled-humidity cold storage.  But I'll bet you're 
> >> not storing yours that way either.
> >
> > Actually - close to it.  At or below 70 degrees with controlled 
> > humidity, dark storage, archival pages.  And of course you can use 
> > digital technology to improve
> >> (The oldest of my own negatives I'm sure I can still lay hands on 
> >> date to 1962; I have access to considerably older photos in my 
> >> mother's collection.)
> >>
> >> You're certainly right that a digital archive must be intelligently 
> >> and diligently managed to stay safe.  If left untended for a long 
> >> time, it's likely to disappear, through media degradation or format 
> >> changes (the format changes don't really make it quite disappear, 
> >> they just increase the cost of getting it back into modern formats).
> >> However, if diligently tended, a digital archive can be *eternal*; 
> >> something there was never any hope of for film images (other than by 
> >> scanning to digital form).
> >
> > That's just it - how often do you have to tend it and spend money 
> > updating your digital archive?  With film, it's just there.
> >> I think my digital photos are much safer, during my lifetime, than my 
> >> film photos are.  I can manage an archive of this size myself, and 
> >> the timespan isn't that big a challenge to the media.
> >
> > I disagree.
> >> And if my house burns down, or is flooded, or carried off to Oz by a 
> >> tornado, or whatever, I won't lose my digital photos.  I'll lose all 
> >> my film photos except the ones I have scans of.  (I really do have 
> >> off-site backups of my digital photos; up through about a month ago 
> >> currently, but I'm likely to get that updated this weekend).
> > Fire proof safe.
> >>
> >> Look, if you're happier shooting film, and like the results better, 
> >> more power to you.  Keep doing it that way!  But try to keep your 
> >> claims about digital toned down to the actual truth.  (Also your 
> >> claims about film.)  There's plenty of stuff where the exact lines 
> >> are fuzzy; we can argue about those to our heart's content :-).
> >
> > My claims are the truth about film and digital - from my perspective  
> > If digital works for you - more power to you.  But when you say that I 
> > need to keep my claims toned down to the actual truth, then admit that 
> > some lines are fuzzy, you are not making a good case that my opinions 
> > about film are less truthful than yours.
> > I know that my cost to start processing and printing B&W film and 
> > prints was a lot less than having to do digital.  Think about it - you 
> > need a digital camera, a computer and a printer.  You are talking 
> > about thousands of dollars right there.  Then you have your paper and 
> > inks.
> >
> >>
> >> Have you shot with a DSLR yourself?  Or seen work by good 
> >> photographers using that kind of equipment? It rather sounds like you 
> >> don't have much idea of the capabilities of current equipment.
> >
> > No - I do have friends who have pro DSLR equipment and I know how 
> > their gear compares to what I shot with now.  It's simply not worth 
> > spending that kind of green for equipment that shoots the same 
> > resolution as film when I already have film gear that works fine.
> >>
> >>> I have pics of my grandparents and great grandparents that I can 
> >>> reprint if need be, or scan if I want to.  If I had to shoot these 
> >>> pics on digital, I'd have to transfer over from one generation of 
> >>> storage to another every couple of years - and add to it all the new 
> >>> stuff I shoot. 
> >>
> >> I've been shooting a lot of digital since 2000.  I have *not once* 
> >> had to transfer over storage media during those 8 years. I can buy 
> >> brand-new drives in ordinary consumer stores to read all of it that's 
> >> on removable media, if necessary.
> >>
> >> I started having some of my film scanned in about 1993, I think.  I 
> >> have *not once* had to transfer over storage media during those 15 
> >> years.  The original media are readable (as of a month ago, when I 
> >> last tried), plus they're on my file server (mirrored), two backup 
> >> disk drives, on-site optical disks, and off-site optical disks.  The 
> >> original media for these are CDs; they can be read in all current 
> >> computers, and I can even write new CDs, it's by no means an obsolete 
> >> medium yet.
> >>
> >> I absolutely agree that a long-term digital archive will need to deal 
> >> with this issue; that plus the life-span of the media are the reason 
> >> that a digital archive must be diligently managed.  It does not do at 
> >> all well on benign neglect, and that has consequences for historians 
> >> and archivists and future archaeologists; definitely.
> >> But "every couple of years" is a gross exaggeration.
> >>>
> >>> Properly processed and stored silver-based imagery will last longer 
> >>> than CDs and DVDs.
> >>
> >> Are you storing yours properly?  Low temperature and controlled 
> >> humidity, etc.?  How much does it cost to store a significant 
> >> collection that way?  And by silver-based you mean B&W, right?  So, 
> >> short of RGB separations, no color photography in the collection?
> >
> > No - silver-based means color.  Color negative film, color slide film 
> > and color prints - they all use silver.
> >>
> >> Even with that -- we don't know which will last longer.  But I think 
> >> it's very likely that top-grade  CD blanks written in a good drive 
> >> will out-last chromogenic color materials stored at room 
> >> temperature.  I wouldn't be certain that they wouldn't out-last 
> >> silver-gelatine materials, but over *that* timespan changes in media 
> >> standards are nearly certain to be an issue as well.  But the 
> >> lifespan of one copy of the data on a CD doesn't matter that much; a 
> >> digital archive isn't dependent for its integrity on one piece of media.
> >
> > Show me the tests.  And then show me a computer that uses a floppy 
> > disk that you can buy today.
> >>
> >> Of course, in 200 years, say, you may very well not be able to find 
> >> an enlarger, or printing paper, or even a film scanner.  Presumably 
> >> somebody could build or adapt something to do that job for you, since 
> >> of course high-resolution imaging of small areas will continue to be 
> >> important for science and probably art as well; but there may well 
> >> not be any off-the-shelf way to make prints from your B&W negatives 
> >> in 200 years.
> >
> > And there may not be any way to take the digital imagery you have on 
> > your discs and turn them into prints. You might not be able to find 
> > cables or adapters.
> > But if they have a scanner, I would be able to load up my film and do 
> > something with it.  You might not be able to take digital imagery off 
> > your discs and do anything with it if your discs can't communicate 
> > with the computers of tomorrow.
> > Chris Telesca
> >
> >

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