Might I recommend another option?
Store your Muslims wrinkled then when you need them again hang them
up, pull them taut to your background stands with clips and spray them
with warm water. The wrinkles will be gone when the fabric dries.
I do this all the time and it works like a charm.
life is short. photograph it.
On Aug 2, 2008, at 12:24 AM, rebphoto <rebphoto@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Gang.................
I have a few muslin back drops that I want
to knock the wrinkles out of and then roll
on a pipe.
I understand that the best way to do this is using a steamer.
There are about 93 zillion
different models of steamers on line.
I realize I can't use a tiny travel one.......
But would I need to spend $150.00
or would one of the more moderately priced
units ($50-60) work for my purposes?
Time I have........
Money ain't growin' on trees!
R.E. Baker
Feed a Cat...
Starve a Fever........