Re: how will this new move affect pros?

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karl shah-jenner wrote:
"Flickr users hit paydirt

my thoughts
for those in pore paying markets, there's a lot of potential for them to
earn more than the local market pays

for those in high paying markets, there's a potential for keen amatuers
to undercut .
I don't think it will impact working pros much at all.  They have access 
where most people posting to Flickr won't.  The types of photos being 
sold to Getty now by the pros is a different market than what your going 
to find on Flickr.
You won't find the hard news photos or the sports photos there.  What 
Flickr is going to provide are those other stock photos that the pros 
are not shooting, such as photos from a national park or maybe an arty 
nightscape over a major city.
I just hope that the rates for Flickr photos are comparable to the 
regular Getty rates for the pros.
Rob Miracle

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