Marita Gootee
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State University
Position Announcement
Visiting Assistant Professor
The Department of Art at Mississippi State University seeks to hire a
Visiting Assistant Professor in Photography. The position will begin
Fall 2008. The successful candidate will teach four courses a
semester. This is a one year non-tenure-track position with
performance expected in the areas of teaching and service. The primary
responsibility of this position will be teaching Art 2103: Photo
Survey. This introductory photography class combines technical
proficiency with the camera along with developing a personal aesthetic
and utilizes either analog or digital SLR input. All image editing is
done with Adobe Photoshop CS3 and output is with professional Epson
printers. Participation in undergraduate advising, committees and
service. Opportunity to serve on undergraduate thesis committees.
Three years of teaching with exhibition record preferred. Information
about the position is available on our website at .
The Department of Art is located in the College of Architecture, Art,
and Design. It has 300 Art majors, 20 full-time faculty and offers the
BFA degree with emphasis areas in graphic design, ceramics, drawing,
painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. The department is
accredited by NASAD. Information about the department is available at Mississippi State University, a
land-grant and sea-grant institution, founded in 1878, is a Carnegie
Doctoral/Research-extensive Institution located in Starkville,
Mississippi, a city of 20,000 residents.
Review process will begin June 16th, 2008 and applications will be
accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application,
list of three references with contact information, vita, unofficial
transcripts, artist’s statement, statement of teaching philosophy, CD
of personal work and CD of student work along with SASE to Photography
Search Committee, Department of Art, P.O. Box 5182, Mississippi State,
Mississippi 39762.