Re: WPPD update

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Hi Guy,

Attention grabbing are your ducks! I think I noticed a few other (maybe just one!) pinhole photos of such ducks. This is one from Argentina: I wonder if they are related?
I am not sure if anyone in PF contributed ... maybe there are some latent images 
out there waiting to be uploaded. I thought about setting up a group but there 
did not seem to be much enthusiasm for it. Oh, well ... maybe next year!
As for my photograph beyond "philosophical" interpretations I thought there was 
also some lighting mystery and, of course the sabattier reversal deal. Like 
making a double exposure against a white background would be rather difficult 
save one used a matte box or something. Also the lighting direction, of course, 
in the two views is different ... and, of course, in the process of jacking up 
the contrast the two sensuous curves of the polaroid pod starting to spread the 
developer became an integral part of the "composition" quite by accident! In 
fact, the whole thing is an accident. Me too!  ;)

All in all great fun.

Guy Glorieux wrote:

Really awesome picture, Andy...

I like the idea of self-portraiture processes where you expand into two
distinct persons on the print.
It raises questions about self and identity.
Imagine 50 people going through this process and the work shown on a huge
galery wall.

My pinhole submission is more prosaic:

The floating ducks were found in my bathtub after my grand-children spend an
evening at my home...

Any other list members participated?


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