Valery Firsov - Breath
This is my picture of the beautifully captured. All emphasis is focused on this lady taking a rest and doing what she needs to do for herself. Powerful character study. I am hoping to see a volume of these images published in some capacity. Why limit yourself to the Internet?
Mark Lent - Elk at sunrise
Pretty clouds. Nice story.
Emily L. Ferguson - walking iris
There seem to be a number of depth of field issues here. Otherwise, the concept and lighting is good.
Jim Snarski - DejaTwo
Nice looking birds. The depth of field is far too shallow for this shot. The far bird vanishes into the background in a wash and the fountain's edge throws everything else off as well.
Laurenz Bobke - I simply love bananas...
Great badger shot with banana. It looks COMPLETELY content with its meal. Well done.
This is my picture of the beautifully captured. All emphasis is focused on this lady taking a rest and doing what she needs to do for herself. Powerful character study. I am hoping to see a volume of these images published in some capacity. Why limit yourself to the Internet?
Mark Lent - Elk at sunrise
Pretty clouds. Nice story.
Emily L. Ferguson - walking iris
There seem to be a number of depth of field issues here. Otherwise, the concept and lighting is good.
Jim Snarski - DejaTwo
Nice looking birds. The depth of field is far too shallow for this shot. The far bird vanishes into the background in a wash and the fountain's edge throws everything else off as well.
Laurenz Bobke - I simply love bananas...
Great badger shot with banana. It looks COMPLETELY content with its meal. Well done.
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