one last thing you may at some point need an inf file to drive the scanner cut the garbage below, paste it into a text document, select 'save as' (all) and name it FS2710.inf the when setting up the scanner point it to this during the instal - of course XP will kick up a stink that it's not a signed driver, but go ahead anyhoo.. it'll work :) hope it helps karl [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=Image ClassGUID={6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f} Provider=%OrganizationName% DriverVer=09/05/2005, 3.6.6 [SourceDisksNames] 1="CanoScan FS2710" [SourceDisksFiles] FS2710.INF=1 [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=11 [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect=* [Manufacturer] %OrganizationName%=CanoScan [CanoScan] %FS2710%=FS2710,CANON___IX-27025E_______1 [FS2710] Include=sti.inf Needs=STI.SCSISection SubClass=StillImage DeviceType=1 DeviceSubType=0x1 Capabilities=0x00 ICMProfiles="sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" [FS2710.Services] Include=sti.inf Needs=STI.SCSISection.Services [Strings] OrganizationName="Canon Inc." FS2710="CanoScan FS2710"