Impressive gallery. Chris Strevens - This is my favorite of all the images you have submitted to PF (including the digitaly created submissive women in the forest series). I like the way this tells a story with mum (I presume that's mum) staring out the window and the almost Mona Lisa-esque expression on the face of the princess. Nice. Elson T. Elizaga - Another excellent story but also an even more excellent composition and just enough desaturation of the lawn to emphasize the subject. Fabulous. Trevor Cunningham - Fabulous sky with the black and white rendering giving it all the more definition and drama. Rob Miracle - At first I thought 'dedicated photographer up at sunrise on a business trip' then I realized its Atlantic City and the term 'Business Trip' takes on a new meaning. Are you sure you didn't just stumble out of the casino when they closed at 4:00 am for the 1 hour hosedown? Either way, nice capture of the gull in flight with so little available light. Bob Sull - The lighting is very undramatic but the more I look at this the less it matters. There's something in the form of the rocks and the stripe running through them and the flat, blue sky that appeals to me. I get a sense of movememnt that is really interesting. Emily L. Ferguson - Love the play of shadows, water movement and ice and the oily look produced by the black and white. Very cool. Laurenz Bobke - Alas, this is not doing much for me. Morley Roberts - I really like the lighting and the way it defines the shapes of the model. Smooth. Greg